2014 No. 1(5)


Introduction (Krystyna Wojtczak), p. 13


LLUCA MEZZETTI, Human rights in Italy in the rulings of the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and Supranational Courts (Part II) , p. 15

KRYSTYNA WOJTCZAK, Legal determinants of the education process in schools of higher education between 1920 and 1990 (Part II), p. 45

MARIA GRZYMISŁAWSKA-CYBULSKA, Statutory determinants of economic activity in light of administrative courts decisions, p. 89

ALEKSANDER JAKUBOWSKI, The right to education (Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention) and numerus clausus in higher education – some remarks on the background of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 2 April 2013 in the case of Tarantino and others v. Italy, p. 107

ŁUKASZ CISZEWSKI, Principles of revising and approving water and sewerage tariffs –outline of the issue, p. 127

ALEKSANDRA KLUCZEWSKA-RUPKA, The principle of legal certainty in the operation of the European Union administration and as a general principle of European Union law, p. 159


Gloss of the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 4 November 2013, II GSK 990/13 (a critique) (Sebastian Gajewski), p. 183


Review of Polish literature

Karol Kiczka, Krajowy organ administracji publicznej w prawie unijnym (Domestic public administration authority in the law of the European Union), Wydawnictwo Kolonia Limited, Wrocław 2013 (by Anna Trela), p. 193

Justyn Piskorski, Legitymizacja prawa karnego Unii Europejskiej (Legitimisation of the penal law of the European Union), Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, Poznań 2013 (by Anna Trela), p. 194

Review of foreign literature

Jenny S. Martinez, The Slave Trade and the Origins of International Human Rights Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012 (by Przemysław Wojtczak), p. 195

Review of foreign law journals

Victor Bucheli, Adriana Díaz, Juan Pablo Calderón, Pablo Lemoine, Juan Alejandro Valdivia, José Luis Villaveces, Roberto Zarama, Growth of Scientific Production in Colombian Universities: An Intellectual Capital-based Approach, “Scientometrics” 2012, vol. 91, no. 2 (by Monika Kotowska-Lewińska), p. 202

R. Richard Geddes, Benjamin L. Wagner, Why do U.S. States Adopt Public-private Partnership Enabling Legislation?, “Journal of Urban Economics” 2013, vol. 78, November (by Monika Kotowska-Lewińska), p. 204

Charles Froger, La sanction fiscale dans les jurisprudences constitutionnelle et européenne (Fiscal sanctions in constitutional and european judicial decisions), “Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l’étranger” 2013, N° 4, Juillet – Août (by Lucyna Staniszewska), p. 205

Timothy K. Kuhner, The Democracy to Which We are Entitled: Human Rights and the Problem of Money in Politics, “Harvard Human Rights Journal” vol. 26, 2013, no. 1 (by Agnieszka Narożniak), p. 206

Rémi Pellet, L’enseignement des finances publiques à l’Université. Bilan et propositions de réformes au Conseil national du Droit (Teaching of public finances at the University – Review and proposals of reform), “Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l’étranger” 2013, N° 4, Juillet – Août (by Lucyna Staniszewska), p. 207

John Vervaele, The Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFR) and Its «Ne bis in idem» Principle in the Member States of the EU, “Review of European Administrative Law” vol. 6, 2013, no. 1 (by Agnieszka Narożniak), p. 207


Anna Krawiec, Autokontrola decyzji administracyjnej (Self-control of the administrative decision), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2012, pp. 170, ISBN 978-83-233-3291-6 (review by Agnieszka Skóra), p. 209


Report on the II Conference of the Scientific Associations of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy of University of Wrocław, “Voivodeship – region – regionalisation. 15 years after the territorial and administrative reform”, Wrocław, 21–22 November 2013 (by Dominika Cendrowicz), p. 213

Report on the Scientific Conference, “Contemporary bioterrorism and cyber-terrorism threats and Polish national security”, Rynia k. Nieporętu, 3–4 December 2013 (by Michał Ura), p. 217

Information on Authors, p. 221

Information for Authors, p. 223