2014 No. 3(7)


Introduction (Krystyna Wojtczak), p. 9


BOGUSLAW BANASZAK, Access to public information under Poland’s Constitution, p. 11

KRYSTYNA WOJTCZAK, Academic degrees and veniam legendi in Poland between 1919–1939 (Part I), p. 31

VERONIKA KUDROVÁ, Legal aspects of education quality assurance and its external evaluation in the higher education institutions of the Czech Republic. The role of the Accreditation Commission, p. 67

GUY SIAT, The reform of the State in France: disappointed ambitions of the regional and local authorities, p. 95

ANNA SZALKIEWICZ, Administrative criminal law – a real concept or a false illusion?, p. 115

KAMIL KLEPACKI, Ombudsman’s competences in the scope of the right to health protection on the example of selected general presentations in 2011–2013, p. 133


ROBERT SUWAJ, Polemics with selected theses of the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court delivered on 14 September 2010, II GSK 965/10, p. 161


Gloss to the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 1 July 2014, SK 6/2012 (Lucyna Staniszewska), p. 171


Review of Polish literature

Jakub Pokrzywniak, Umowa o przyłączenie do sieci elektroenergetycznej, gazowej lub ciepłowniczej oraz obowiązek jej zawarcia (Agreement on the connection to the electroenergetic, gas or heating grid and a duty of its conclusion), Wydawnictwo Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2013 (by Anna Trela), p. 189

Ewa Szewczyk, Marek Szewczyk, Generalny akt administracyjny (General administrative act), Wydawnictwo Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2014 (by Marcin Princ), p. 190

Monika Urbaniak, Aspekty publicznoprawne organizacji i finansowania ochrony zdrowia w Republice Włoskiej (Public law aspects of organisation and financing of public health in the Italian Republic), Wydawnictwo TNOIK, Toruń 2014 (by Anna Trela), p. 191

Review of foreign literature

Pavel Salák, Nejen pro válečný konflikt (Právní regulace nebojové činnosti armády v 18.–20. století) (Not only for armed conflicts. Legal regulation of non-military purposes of the army between the 18th and the 20th century), Masarykova univerzita, Brno 2013 (by Jakub Kruczek), p. 192

Review of foreign law journals

Bridget C.E. Dooling, Legal Issues in E-Rulemaking, “Administrative Law Review” 2011, vol. 63, iss. 4 (by Lucyna Staniszewska), p. 194

Reeve T. Bull, Making the Administrative State “Safe for Democracy”: A Theoretical and Practical Analysis of Citizen Participation in Agency Decisionmaking, “Administrative Law Review” 2013, vol. 65, no. 3 (by Lucyna Staniszewska), p. 195

Aylwin Pillai, David Heptinstall, Twenty Years of the Habitats Directive: A Case Study on Species Reintroduction, Protection and Management, “Environmental Law Review” 2013, vol. 15, no. 1 (by Agnieszka Narożniak), p. 196

Demola Okeowo, Examining the Link: Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration, “Environmental Law Review” 2013, vol. 15, no. 4 (by Agnieszka Narożniak), p. 197


Report on the 23rd Convention of Faculties of Law and Administrative Proceeding “Ten years of Polish Experiences in the European Union”, Szczecin–Berlin, 21–24 September 2014 (by Maciej Kruś, Marcin Princ), p. 199

Information on Authors, p. 203

Information for Authors, p. 205